Browse our The Rug Collection collection online

The Rug Collection

A lot has evolved over the years, but our true passion remains in creating unique designs and offering the marketplace a variety of rugs that you won’t find anywhere else in the world. The Rug Collection features an extensive range of Australian designed rugs. Each rug is handmade by artisans in India using New Zealand wool, wool blends, and art silk. The Rug Collection has an extensive range of plain, texture, and patterned floor rugs creating a unique design guaranteed to transform any living space.

Save $50
When you spend $500+
Use Code: MAY50
Save $150
When you spend $1000+
Use Code: MAY150
Save $350
When you spend $2000+
Use Code: MAY350
Save $600
When you spend $3000+
Use Code: MAY600

Offer ends 31.05. Brand exclusions apply.
